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Essential New Jersey Business

Writer's picture: RGLRGL

Today during Governor Murphy's press conference, he added further restriction to hopefully stop the spread of COVID-19. "Governor Murphy Announces Statewide Stay at Home Order, Closure of All Non-Essential Retail Businesses." This executive order states : "To the extent a business or non-profit has employees that cannot perform their functions via telework or work-from-home arrangements, the business or non-profit should make best efforts to reduce staff on site to the minimal number necessary to ensure that essential operations can continue." -

My heart breaks for those who are truly and deeply affected by this national emergency. Please know that here at Rich Green Lawns we are thinking of you and your family during these trying times.

The reason for the post is to help our customers understand why Rich Green Lawns is essential during a time like this. The answer may be surprising to you. One of the most important reasons Rich Green Lawns is an essential business is because we provide services that reduce the transmission of dangerous and deadly diseases through pests like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. There is so much uncertainty right now with COVID-19 that all precautions should be taken when thinking about the potential spreading of this dangerous virus. In addition, properties that are left unattended increase the risk of crime and injury in the area. Those reasons alone give me a knot in my stomach. Further tightening of this knot, is when I looked into the effects manicured and cleaned up spaces have on a person’s mental well being. Maintained and manicured lawns provide us and our neighbors with visual appeal and pride, and increases the morale on the block or neighborhood.*

There are few elements of the “green” business that make us unique. In this case, the most unique part about us is the fact that no customer contact is required to perform services. In a time where we may be in a government mandated lock down, and going out on our lawn is our only available option for fresh air, a person’s overall attitude and demeanor could change based on the condition of their lawn. Even though no customer contact is required, Rich Green Lawns has taken extreme safety measures to ensure our technicians, staff, and especially our customers are in safe environments.

The safety of our employees is our highest priority. Some of the measures we are taking at Rich Green Lawns are:

- Our field staff has a staggered start schedule. This was implemented to prevent as much human interaction as possible and limit the amount staff at the warehouse at one time to no more than two people.

-Our office staff will be working remotely from home. As always, our Customer Care Team will be available Monday - Friday 8-4 .

> 732-370-5963

We will continue to follow the lead of our local, state, & federal officials and adapt to the legal requirements while keeping our employees and customers safe and happy.

I hope you all are safe, continue to wash your hands, and practice social distancing.

-NJ Turf Girl

*Information provided by National Associations of Landscape Professionals



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